OUTBOUND Domain Name Registry Transfers £50  (plus vat) - yes we know it's risen, but the process has become massively more complex over recent times, especially when we are required to deal with inexperienced hosting operations and provide the benefit of our experience.

An increasing number of users have been caught in the mounting complexity of domain name transfers and ownership, USP has 30 years experience in this market and offers access to this experience in the form of consulting services: we will endeavour to sort out issues such as orphaned domains where the logins and passwords have been forgotten over time  - or a service provider has disappeared with the logins. Such things can be simple or complex, involving lawyers and multiple jurisdictions. USP charges an initial fee of £100 +VAT (payable in advance) to assess a situation - and will then quote a rate to execute the plan based on time estimated.

We can also provide a temporary/emergency domain presence - you may be surprised how quickly we can re-route from an apparently lost domain by using modern SEO techniques. Not so simple with lost email addresses - but you can email all those who have previously emailed you that you to connect with to advise them of your emergency address.

It’s the height of folly to keep all domain, service and DNS eggs in one basket … we could have any of our clients up and running on one of 10 alternate mail and web services in 10 minutes if something went wrong - once upon a time. As WW3 beckons, keep this in mind... 

Please note that only currently "live" names may be transferred. If your name has expired beyond renewal, then it must be renewed before transfer can be initiated.


Also, please note there is rarely any technical need to transfer a domain registration between registrars - but many hosting providers pretend that there is. The entire premise of the internet is that services such as DNS, web and mail hosting can be distributed around multiple hosting services to improve resilience and avoid single points of failure. And to be frank, most hosting companies want to control your domain name because they then have complete leverage over your entire internet presence.

For example, if USP manages your domain name(s) and hosts your DNS, and you fall out with your web design/hosting or email services providers, we can have your web and email presence redirected and re-established anywhere in the world within 5-10 minutes. If you want to argue the toss over a commercial dispute of any sort with the people who hold all your online cards, you can guess the rest...

Also please check the transfers policy of the registrar that is enticing you to switch. Look and see how easy it is to find their outward transfer policy listed. They will make it very simple to transfer domains into their service, but rather less obvious and simple to extract again.

To initiate the process, you will need to send us an email from your usual contact address (you can use the form below), listing the domain(s) in question, (and if this involves a .uk domain, the TAG of the receiving .uk registrar) to transfers@usp.net stating the domain name, your contact details and who you wish the domain to be transferred to, and we will initiate the process. In some instances we may call back to establish identity or require a token payment transfer to establish trusted ID.

In view of the considerable problems encountered when attempting to recover incorrectly transferred domains from registrars without easily accessible phone support schemes staffed by competent people, we may require additional proof(s) of identity to ensure that the request is genuine.

As part of the process, for "gtld" domains other than .uk, you will generally be required to enter into various formal agreements with the new registrar, and the process may take several days to complete. UK domain "Tag" changes were once immediate, but these too are now involved in a "handshake" process where the receiving registrar must acknowledge the inbound domain name.

For most non-uk registries, an authorisation code will be required, this is a key generated by the holding registry, and sent directly to the listed registrant. The acquiring registry will then email the listed registrant (owner) the terms and conditions of that registry which must be approved before the transfer takes place.

The transferred domain record information must then be brought up to date with the new registry contact details. 

In order to cover the costs of administering this service, USP charges a fee for transferring a domain name to your nominated registrar argent (ISP) - the fee will be £50 plus VAT per domain name.